Like I mentioned last week, Sarah had to bow out of co-hosting duties, and Robin of Farewell, Stranger is taking over. Don’t forget to go visit and give Robin a warm, iPPP welcome!

Also, if you haven’t signed up for the #TNTDuel virtual 5K yet, I’d love to have you! Laura and I are facing off, Canada vs. America style, to raise money for LLS. The race can be finished wherever you are, anytime between Nov. 8-15. Grab some friends, sign up to help raise money for blood cancer patients, and HAVE FUN!

My kids are pretty well trained. Maybe it’s because we don’t get out much. Or maybe because I think my kids are pretty cute. Or because I love to look back on places we went or things we did, or I need something to blog about.

It’s probably a combination of all of these things.

Regardless, my kids pretty much know that when we go somewhere or are about to go somewhere, I will be needing them to stand still for a picture before they get to do anything fun.

I rarely get an argument from any of them anymore.

Case in point:

gwlhalloweenpumpkin patchstorytime at gwl20130831_144717


A lot of times, the toddler gets left at home with his grandparents if I’m by myself or we’re going to school, so I also take a lot of pictures of the big three.


They’re not all posed, of course. I do take lots (and lots and lots) of pictures while we’re actually doing stuff. But I always feel pretty successful when I get them all in a shot together. And if hubs and I are in it, too? Super bonus time.

henry's birthdaykitty catlabor day

The pictures are never, ever “perfect” but they’re always pretty cute and they usually show everyone’s personalities, and that’s good enough for me.

Robin at Farewell, Stranger and I want to see your funny, your yummy, your heartfelt, your favorite phone photos of the week. All you need is a blog post containing at least one photo from any phone camera. Link up below!
