Week In Review: Lessons Learned

I’ve learned some things this week.1) It IS possible for us to be a pacifier-less household. I did not think I would be able to say that for AT LEAST two more years, but none of the children use a binky anymore. Big Erv started using his as a chew […]

By |October 28th, 2011|milestones, motherhood|Comments Off on Week In Review: Lessons Learned

Donut Eyeballs and One Big Kid

Today is Henry’s Fifth Birthday! I can hardly believe he’s already such a big kid, going to preschool, writing letters, helping with his baby sister. He woke up in a GOOFY mood today, and insisted that we say to him “Happy birthday, Scarecrow Henry!”. He is having a Halloween birthday […]

By |October 14th, 2010|birthday|Comments Off on Donut Eyeballs and One Big Kid