Today is Henry’s Fifth Birthday! I can hardly believe he’s already such a big kid, going to preschool, writing letters, helping with his baby sister. He woke up in a GOOFY mood today, and insisted that we say to him “Happy birthday, Scarecrow Henry!”. He is having a Halloween birthday party this weekend and is VERY excited about it.

When I asked him the other night what he wanted us to make for the birthday treats we’d take to his class, he said he wanted donut eyeballs. We’d already torn the picture of them out of a parents’ magazine and planned to make them for his party. But when he said that he wanted them for his class, too, I was thrilled! They were a heckuva lot faster and easier to make then cookies or cupcakes or even brownies out of a box.

And, the kids both got to help in the process. Henry sorted out all the green M&Ms, and the big two both assisted with the production.

Because we happened to have a bag of Donettes on the counter for said class treats, guess what Henry wanted for breakfast? But, I also talked him into eggs and bacon. And the kid ate A LOT. It may be his FAVORITE. BREAKFAST. EVER. Remarkably (she may not be my daughter), Ivy didn’t want Donettes for breakfast, so she and E. Belle got peanut butter toast instead.


I love you, Henry! You’re growing up to be such a little man. And because I think Megan had such a great idea when she blogged about her kids’ birthdays and listed things that she wanted to remember about them at that moment, here are a few things about Henry:

1. His favorite holiday is Halloween from about July until December, when Christmas will take over.

2. He was never really interested in sitting down and coloring or drawing until he started going to preschool. Literally, like, the first day, he came home and sat down and just DREW. Hasn’t stopped since. He draws quite the mean skeleton and ghost these days. If you look up top at the picture of him sorting the M&Ms, you’ll see the skeleton that he made. He drew all the parts, asked me to help him cut them out, then put them all together with little round stickers. Oh, and he also made a pirate hook for the skeleton. Of course.

3. He will not wear pajamas (or really, clothes in general), but you give him a button-up shirt with “big arm sleeves” and he is all over it. The green “fancy” shirt he’s wearing in these pictures are what he picked out to wear today. He’s also got khakis on. And has been wearing that outfit since he got out of bed.

4. He is the best in the house at making his baby sister laugh. He will dance for her, sing her songs, jump around, and she cracks up. Unless he’s tired, then he just goes in and says “Essie, stop crying ” then comes back to me and says “It’s not working” when she doesn’t stop.

Happy birthday, big boy.