You might remember back in December when I won a giveaway? It was for these gorgeous origami flower ornaments from My Beloved Adoria. 

I LOVE THEM. I kind of want to get another tree next Christmas just so I can fill it with more of those beautiful flowers. They’re well made, unique, GORGEOUS.

Jessica from My Beloved Adoria makes incredible origami creations in her Etsy shop, like her custom, one of a kind wedding bouquets and these adorable Valentine’s gifts.

You can find Jessica on Twitter at @MyBelovedAdoria, on her blog, and on Facebook here.

BUT. (drumroll please) One lucky reader is going to win a very special Valentine’s prize pack from My Beloved Adoria!!

The set includes three cute little flower pots made of organic material and filled with brown lace “dirt” and 3 inch origami flowers.

These would make the PERFECT Valentine’s Day gift for someone you love (or yourself!). I’m a little jealous that I can’t win them myself, but I CAN NOT WAIT to give them away!!

I’m going to make this SUPER easy on you. All you have to do to win is visit Jessica’s Etsy shop and leave a comment below telling me what your very favorite My Beloved Adoria creation is.

Easy peasy! 

Contest will run through 9:00 pm (central time) on Thursday, January 26. I will use randomly select a winner and the winner will have 24 hours to contact me.

Good Luck!!