This weekend, we celebrated my mom’s birthday by going roller skating.

My kids had never roller skated, and I hadn’t gone in….oh? Twelve years?

Turns out, for me, it was like riding a bike (another thing I haven’t done in a long, long time).

For my kids…well…have you ever seen a newborn giraffe try to walk?

Yeah. That.

Ivy was doing pretty well, for her first time. Henry…well, he thought it was funny to hold on to us with both hands and pull. I put a stop to that pretty quickly. Essie (the two year old) did the best of them all.

And I was very proud of Henry for eventually skating off on his own (and only falling once).

It was so much fun. I actually would like to go again.

Especially if I get to skate by myself for a while.

iPhone Photo Phun