This is what I did during Super Bowl Sunday. I made Bean’s car seat quilt! I thought, for a minute, of moving a folding table and the sewing machine into the living room so that once the game (and commercials) started, I could watch and sew at the same time. But I didn’t. I listened to it from the kitchen. And I got done in time to watch the fabulous Glee episode following the game! Oh, but I didn’t miss out on the snacking…

Bean is scheduled to arrive on March 24, and as you know, there are lots of things to complete before that happens. Somehow, yesterday, I got the urge to start working on his ragamuffin car seat quilt. I saw the pattern on my email newsletter from, and thought it was the best idea–it has a hole in the center towards the top so the car seat straps can go through, and the blanket won’t fall or get kicked off. Genius! And, I had already planned to make him a quilt with the Hooty Hoot fabric that I had fallen in love with, by Riley Blake. It has all of these blues, greens, and browns, along with owls (which I LOVE) and other super cute animals.

I actually made it in ONE DAY. That is just amazing to me, and it makes me feel better because I can actually mark something off of my to-do-before-he’s-born list. It’s definitely not perfect….you have to make “sandwiches” out of the three layers for each square of fabric, and I didn’t do a very good job of cutting good 6 in squares, especially out of the backing fabric. But, because it’s supposed to be cozy and soft and kind of raggedy, and because the fabric is so stinking cute, I think it turned out pretty well.

Henry “modeled” it for me. You can sort of see his little eye looking through the hole for the strap (you can also see his crazy hair peeking out over the top).

I’m excited to share pictures of him coming home from the hospital, all bundled up in his car seat blanket!

Now, if I could make some progress on his crocheted blanket…