I know it’s February. That doesn’t mean that I am caught up on Christmas posts! If this blog wasn’t my way of recording our memories, I probably wouldn’t bother trying to catch up at this point. But, it is, and I’m super excited because I’ve found an easy way to make a book out of these posts! It’s a website called Blog2Print, and you put in your blog address, and it makes a book. Easy as that! (Notice I said “it makes a book” not “you make a book”?) Before I found out about it, I was stressed out about going through each post and somehow getting it onto the pages of a book without losing my mind. But now I don’t have to! The posts from my first year as a blogger are being put into a book as we speak, so I’ll be sure and let you know how it turns out!
Back to Christmas…these are pictures from our trip to visit T.’s parents in Dodge City…
The first night was devoted to eating dinner and opening presents.

The second day, we hung out and took it easy for most of the (gorgeous, sunny, almost 70 degree day),

and went to ride Grandpa’s horses after he got off work. 

Ivy liked it a lot.

E. Belle did not like it. The horse didn’t go anywhere while she was on it, because this was her face after about 60 seconds of sitting on it.
Henry wanted to ride over and over and over, and even taught Ivy how to do the “cowboy dance” when he was done. He totally just made it up.

The very next day, there were several inches of snow on the ground. Thank goodness T.’s parents are good sports, because it was all of about 5 degrees outside, and there was NO WAY I was taking the kids out to play in that cold.

The kids had a blast, though.