So, I made a list yesterday of things I had to get done before March 24, when we will be getting up BRIGHT and EARLY to head to the hospital and have our fourth child. Of course, I thought of more things I needed to do…and maybe if I have a record of my to-do list, I’ll get some of it done.

–I have to finish crocheting his blue and brown blanket.

–I have to sew up his quilt. I already had the material (again, mostly blue and brown, but with owls and other cute animals), but this morning, I found a pattern for a “rag tag” quilt that has a hole in the middle, so it can go over him in the car seat and stay in place.

–Should I finish E. Belle’s quilt first? Hmm….something to ponder in all my free time.

–I have to find my “gourmet” or “designer” or “whatever” hospital gowns for the hospital stay.

–I have to pack a bag for the hospital stay.

–I have to reveal his name to everyone I know. Just kidding, T! Not gonna happen!

–I have to go pre-register at the hospital.

–I have to do some jewelry shows and give away a ton of free jewelry to my hostesses.

What else am I forgetting? Oh yeah…Go to Cancun for a few days and get a tan! Woo Hoo!!