So, I went to the doctor today, and I guess I’m just about 31 weeks along now. My doctor had called the hospital and scheduled the c-section that will bring Baby Bean into this world! That date will be….drum roll please….March 24! With all of the crazy new zodiac stuff going on, I don’t even want to guess what his sign will be (or google it, for that matter), but my mind is now reeling with things that have to get done before the 24th of March….

–I have to make room in the deep freeze, and then cook a bunch of dishes to freeze and then heat up after he’s born and we don’t want to cook. Anybody want to come over and make a day of it??

–I have to get out all the adorable baby boy clothes, organize them by size, make sure they’re clean, and find a place to put them.

–We have to stock up on teeny tiny diapers and probably some not so teeny ones (since, let’s face it, he probably will be a fast grower), and other newborn toiletries and necessities.

–We have to set up the bassinet in our room, and at some point, a crib in Henry’s room (which will soon be known as the boys’ room).

–I have to figure out how to stay at home with four kids without killing any of them.

Should be totally doable, right?