Right now I have a middle child and a big cat on my lap, but I’m going to try to post this anyway….wish me luck…

This past weekend, I had a show in Independence, KS. Since we had booked it for Mother’s Day weekend and (thankfully) T. didn’t have to work, we made it a family trip. We met my mom Saturday afternoon (she had a busy morning of graduations) and headed to the park/zoo. We didn’t have much time since I had to get ready for my show, but we went to the little zoo first….

This is Monkey Island, inhabited by monkeys (of course), swans, and tons of turtles (Ivy’s favorite). But, since our household is princess-centric right now, it was a “castle”.

Pirate parrots!

And my arm is getting tired trying to type around this girl, but I’ll keep chugging on…

E. Belle was snuggly warm, as she was dressed by daddy in a sleeper AND pants.

This particular girl LOVED the statues.

Yet another castle!

Then we rode the train…

After that, even though Henry REALLY wanted to play miniature golf, we had to zoom over to my mom’s “work house” and get ready for the show. Which, by the way, was A LOT of fun!

The next morning, my mom had to zoom to Salina to do her daughterly duties for Mother’s Day, and the kids, T., and I lazed around for a while before heading home. I got breakfast in bed…

We stopped at one of the MANY Pizza Huts in central Kansas for lunch, where, coincidentally, the manager “didn’t think Mother’s Day would be very busy” and scheduled TWO WHOLE workers for the lunch hour. Or should I say, lunch hour and a half, since that was how long it took us to eat. But, we had nowhere to be and everyone was in a good mood, and I got my barbecue pizza.

We got home in the afternoon, and T. made chocolate pancakes and omelets for supper, then put the kids to bed. Can’t Mother’s Day be everyday??

Oh, and in honor of Mother’s Day, T. put Essie in her “mom jeans”.

OH, AND I finished the chocolate-covered strawberries that T. had delivered on Thursday. They were HUMONGOUS and DELICIOUS. Thanks, babe!