The crowd was a huge, incredible mass of white, stretching behind us as far as we could see. The music pumped out of the speakers, and we waited impatiently for the countdown.

somany people

The buildup since registering just a few weeks prior was chatter, and planning, and speculation. Our team grew to 11 members and the team name of “The Pink Flamingos” was chosen ironically. Maybe someday we’ll be tall and graceful like the vibrant birds, but for now, not so much.

That morning, while the big kids went out with daddy and grandma, I chose my layers based on the outside temperature of barely 40 degrees and painted my nails as colorfully as I could.

color nails

Four of us met and took ”Before” pictures in the midst of excited chatting and laying out of expectations. We tattooed our faces and loaded up.


An hour later, we had parked in downtown Lawrence and made our way to the meeting spot where we’d complete our team assembly. We passed hundreds of other white shirts, tutus, and tights.

We managed to squeeze in on the first heat of 1,000 participants. The countdown finally came, and our team spread out, pairing up instead of trying to stay together as a group.

Each station brought a cloud of colored cornstarch and excitement, as well as the knowledge that we were that much closer to the finish line.

My mom and I stuck together, running even more than we did last weekend, on the warmed city streets. Though the race wasn’t timed, we knew that we were faster than just seven days ago, and proud of ourselves, already setting goals for the next 5K.

i feel pretty

color run team

The runners trickled in, and the atmosphere was all party, but the chill in the air was still fierce. And, we had a birthday dinner planned, and hungry stomachs waiting.

There was Japanese food, sushi, and a lot of body-warming drinks to be had, with only a few days left in my 31st year. Smiles, chatter, and puffs of colored cornstarch surrounded the table.



It was the first of many “Happiest 5Ks on the Planet” that I’ll participate in, and an amazing way to end out my year.

Linking up with the fabulous duo, Jess and Natalie, for another Essence of Now.

Essence of Now