These Are A Few Of My Favorite…

November is the month that you see all of your Facebook friends listing what they’re thankful for, because Thanksgiving makes one automatically aware of the little (and big) things in your life with which you’ve been blessed.I used to read a lot. I had a dozen magazine subscriptions and had […]

Dancing, Spinning, and Scary Stuff

Now remember, we have to leave before it gets dark and the scary stuff comes out.I had bought a Groupon for Worlds of Fun, and T., the big two and I went on the last weekend of the season, Halloween weekend.I was very nervous, because as much as the big […]

By |November 1st, 2011|motherhood|Comments Off on Dancing, Spinning, and Scary Stuff

Pumpkin Muffins #pinterestchallenge

I’ve been using Pinterest so much to figure out what to make for dinner or what to make for a gift/craft/home decorating item, that it was a little hard to choose what I’d do for the 52 Weeks of Pinterest Challenge this week from Julie at Dutch Being Me.But it’s […]

Scalp Massages

Last week, the weather was PERFECT (I may have mentioned that once or twice). One day, we went outside to play. I had Ervin spread out on a blanket, staring at the trees and the bubbles his siblings were blowing above him.As I sat there, watching them, helping them with […]

By |September 14th, 2011|motherhood|Comments Off on Scalp Massages


The start of the weekend here was H-O-T HOT, but on Sunday, magic happened.It was almost chilly.And it’s supposed to be in the 70s ALL. WEEK. LONG.Can I get a hallelujah?!On Monday, Labor Day, it was gorgeous out, and Ivy asked where we were going, and though we hadn’t actually planned […]

By |September 7th, 2011|motherhood|Comments Off on GORGEOUSNESS.