School Daze

I complain about how early I have to get up, now that I’m part of the School Kids’ Mom Club. It’s exhausting getting up at 6:11 am every day, and staying up until after the kids go to bed and I can’t be awake any longer.(Why 6:11, you ask? It’s […]

By |September 5th, 2011|giveaway, Henry, ivy, school|Comments Off on School Daze

Yet Another Meet the Teacher Night. Oy.

Henry started kindergarten last week, you know. But Ivy doesn’t start preschool until next Monday. I’m not really looking forward to it, and neither is she (but we only tell her how exciting and fun it will be, okay??).Last night she had her Meet the Teacher night, where she got […]

By |August 23rd, 2011|Ervin, ivy, preschool, school|Comments Off on Yet Another Meet the Teacher Night. Oy.

Oy to the Mama.

It’s been quite a day.First, Essie saw an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor about her tongue tie. The doctor said the skin thingy under her tongue is definitely longer than average, and we decided that even if it wasn’t certain that it would affect her speech or anything later on, […]

By |August 16th, 2011|Ervin, Essie, first day, Henry, ivy, school|Comments Off on Oy to the Mama.