I Want to Be…Mamavated

I was on Facebook yesterday (what’s new), when one of my friends, Evin (of Food Good Laundry Bad), mentioned that there was a group of women that work together and support each other in their weight loss and healthy living goals.

Now, you all know that I’ve been working hard on […]

Project 365: Week 49

ACK! It’s gets worse every week!! Three weeks left in the year? Holy smokes.

I know that most skip over this post every week (because yeah, boring for everyone but me), but I think I’ve decided to do it again next year. It’s been fun! And I’m definitely making a book […]

The Ugliest Run #iPPP

Welcome back to #iPPP! Mama Mash and I want to see your funny, your yummy, your heartfelt, your favorite phone photos of the week. Link up below!

You guys probably know that I started “running” this year (and by “running”, I mean “jogging very slowly”), and that my mom and I have been participating […]

Project 365: Week 48

Ack!!! Four weeks left in the year. Oh my stars.

Is it just me, or did these last week of November feel like it should have really been December already?

Anyway, I’m calling this the week of NO SLEEP. If I don’t wake up feeling well rested tomorrow, I probably won’t get […]

Project 365: Week 44

Wait, WHAT?! That means there are only EIGHT weeks left in the ENTIRE year?!

This was an exciting week, you guys.

Oct. 28

Sunday was the Trick or Treating event at the local college. Also the day our beagle and our boy kitten apparently became best friends.

Oct. 29

The first day that Henry actually […]

The Pink Flamingos

The crowd was a huge, incredible mass of white, stretching behind us as far as we could see. The music pumped out of the speakers, and we waited impatiently for the countdown.

The buildup since registering just a few weeks prior was chatter, and planning, and speculation. Our team grew to […]

Project 365: Week 40

40 Weeks. Well into fall, and starting to get chilly (at least for now). Only 12 more weeks left in the year??

Sept 30

Sunday was my day out with Mama Mash, but before I left, I got to witness this preciousness: an 18 month old and his blanket’s new “Very Important […]

A Family That Runs Together…

My mom and I did our second 5K this morning, and the big three kids ran in their own races. It was put on to raise money for a local moms’ group of which we are not a part. But, we’ve been working hard lately and thought it would be […]

Running, Running, As Fast As I Can.

Do you think I’ll make it? (do you think I’ll make it?)

Bonus points to whoever knows what song that is.

Anyhoo. I have the immense pleasure of filling in for Farrah of The Three Under today, as she recovers from a minor surgery this week. I’m writing about something that I […]

By |September 20th, 2012|getting fit|Comments Off on Running, Running, As Fast As I Can.

Project 365: Week 21

This week has been a lot of fun. There was a graduation, a trip to the park, two days of summer vacation, TONS of gardening and the start of Memorial Day weekend.

May 20

While Nana and Papa were visiting for the week between preschool graduation and kindergarten graduation, Papa (the gardening […]