I was in Cleveland last weekend for Bloggy Conference, and I think I’m finally recovered.

Sept. 7

My lunch notes are not Pinterest-worthy. (But my kids like them?)

sept 7

Sept. 8

Kansas in the fall.

sept 8 2

Sept. 9

sept 9

Sept. 10

Can you see his expression? That’s called The Toddler Challenge and it’s what I deal with daily.

sept 10

Sept. 11

Still recovering.


Sept. 12

On my way to the airport, waiting on a train. I made it through security two minutes before boarding. Yay, me!

sept 12

Sept. 13

We visited Cedar Point and now all of my Mamavation friends that were with me think I’m a total weenie. Because I am, at amusement parks, spooked up for Halloween. (This was while it was still daylight….that’s a look on pure hysterical paranoia on my face)

(picture stolen from Jody, taken by Adam)

cedar point