This fun weekly link up is hosted by Penny of The Real Housewife Of Caroline Country and Amber from Bold Fab Mom. For Ask Away Friday, bloggers pair up, swap 10 questions, and answer them on their blogs. It’s such a great way to get to know someone better!


This week, I’m swapping questions and answers with the lovely Alison of Writing, Wishing. Read my answers to her questions below, then stop by and see how she answered my questions.

Avatar20131. You’re a running machine, covering over 600 miles in 2013. What brought you to running in the first place?

My mom started first, and somehow convinced me to try. More importantly, she talked me into running fun races with her. I enjoyed them so much that I kept going and it became something that I love and look forward to.

world run day

2. You love child-free drives with the music cranked up – what’s on your playlist right now?

This song by Twenty One Pilots called House of Gold:

And Harlem by New Politics:

And lots and lots and lots of others! My station is 96.5 The Buzz or pop stations that I flip to when The Buzz is playing too many 90s songs.

3. What do you love most about having four children?

Definitely that they have built in best friends….there is always someone to play with.



erv ivy

4. Tell us one thing about each of your kids that you love best.

I love Henry’s gentleness. Though he’s all about Minecraft and Star Was light saber duels, he’s also very affectionate and sweet. I love that Ivy cares for everyone in the family….she’ll play with anyone (as you can tell from the pictures in the last question) and she’s patient. Essie is the little spitfire, and I love her personality…she has so much of it. Ervin is the baby….I love his newly-developed sense of humor and his sweet singing voice.

5. Your household is gluten-free. What’s your favorite gluten-free recipe?

I really, really like the cinnamon sugar donut recipe I shared yesterday. My husband also makes really awesome pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.

6. You recently took on a big project, becoming the new owner of Today’s Work At Home Mom. How did that come about? 

A gal in Kansas City has blogger clients and mentioned that one was selling her website. I jumped at the opportunity to turn it into a great resource for WAHMs (and I would love for it to be shared with friends, family, anybody that could benefit from what I’m trying to bring to the table over there!).

7. You live in rural Kansas – what are the best and worst parts about living in the country?

The best thing is definitely the privacy and the space. We have a big yard, and not many people around. The worst is, by far (pun intended) the distance from everything. The closest Target and Starbucks are 40 minutes away.

8. You’ve been doing the 365 photography project for a while now – what have you gotten out of it? Do you struggle with taking a picture a day? (I’ve tried it and I couldn’t keep going)

It’s definitely a habit now. I’ve only missed a couple of days in the last 27 months (and one was last week). What I’ve gotten out of it is two year’s worth of daily photos that I can look at and see just how much the kids have grown, and little things (and big things) that we did that I’d never remember otherwise. What’s funny is that I first typed 15 months, and then looked back to see if I’d already completed one year or two (the answer was two…this is the third year!).

9. I love that you and I are doing Through The Lens Thursday, our 52-week photography project – what have you learned from it so far?

I’ve learned that it really doesn’t take much time to get my big girl camera out and look for things to capture. And, that when I do that at least weekly, I tend to not forget as much what I’ve already figured out! I hope that I’m improving some, but know that I have a long way to go.

10. One word to describe the following: You, your husband, your blog, your best friend.

Ohhh…this is tough. Okay….here’s goes nothing.

Me: Shy.

My husband: Protective.


My blog: Fluff.

My best friend: Hilarious.

greta julie