I’m calling this “The Week Of The Snake(s)”.

We had three snakes in our garage and one in the living room, since MONDAY. It was like the Apocalypse or something.

I won’t show the pictures, because they’re gross and all my twitter and Instagram peeps already saw them. But the first was stuck to a glue trap right outside the kitchen door, in the garage. M dad threw it and the trap away. The next was slithering around the garage (Ivy saw that one) but I couldn’t bring myself to do anything about it and just went inside, freaked out. The next was the living room snake. Tiny and black and inside the kitten’s mouth. I would’ve SWORN it was dead, until it disappeared. And the last was stuck to another glue trap in the same spot in the garage. I called Orkin after putting out an SOS on Facebook to try to figure out what it was. The lady said she’d have our tech (we have an ant issue) call me back. She did, at 4:30 on a FRIDAY. Way too late to have her do anything. But it turns out that they can’t do anything, because snakes are considered wildlife. The first lady couldn’t tell me that?! Again, I would’ve sworn it was dead. At least 8 hours after first spotting it (first thing in the freaking morning), I picked up the trap to take a closer look at its pattern and head, and IT MOVED. The one small part of its belly that wasn’t stuck down WIGGLED. My mom (being the bad ass that she is) killed it for me later that night.

My nerves were completely shot by Friday; every time I saw another one, it got worse. Last night, I filled in a couple of cracks in the garage wall and we picked up some snake repellent. Of course, it’s been raining here all. day. long, so I haven’t had a chance to sprinkle it around the house.

There haven’t been any sightings today (knock on wood), but I’m still watching where I walk, for damn sure.

Where the hell is Sam Jackson when you need him?