Big Erv is five months old. Wait…WHAT?

My baby can’t be FIVE months old already, can he?!

I guess…he was born before Henry got out of preschool…and we did just finish an entire summer…and school has started again. I guess it’s POSSIBLE he’s five months old.

But I don’t want to believe it.


Things Ervin likes:
**Anything colorful! Yes, that includes the cartoons his big brother and sisters are watching.
**Anything he can stick in his mouth and suck on! The edge of the binky, your arm, his arm.
**Getting kisses from his mama. Yes, yes he does.
**Flying! He practices on the ground, and squeals when he’s lifted high into the air.
**Nursing and eating. Nursing calms us both down faster than anything, and since he’s been eating “solids” for the last couple of days, he gobbles those up, too.

Things Ervin does NOT like:
**Rolling over and bonking his head. If the kid would just not roll off the blanket, he’d be okay!
**Poopy pants. Not a fan.

That’s about it…who says fat babies are the happy ones??

I think he’s filling out. He’s definitely losing his hair (T. threatened to shave it the other day. I told him, it’s just going to fall out anyway!).

And yes, he is wearing the same overalls as in the 3 month picture. What of it?