Oh my gosh. This has been the craziest. Week. Ever. It started Friday, when all five of us went to the doctor for our ultrasound. If you’re on facebook, you know already that we’re having another boy! And if I’ve talked to you recently, you probably know that T. has naming powers. It was a deal we made…if we had a girl, I get to name her, and he could give me his opinion but had no veto power. If it was a boy, he would be naming him. But, it’s very important to both of us that the name remain a secret until he’s born. When I was pregnant with E. Belle, I accidentally let her name slip in conversation (and I may have told my mom and swore her to secrecy). T. and I still have some trust issues because of that, so this baby boy in my belly shall be named “Bean” until he is born. I’ve started calling him that, and if I talk about him, that’s what you’ll hear. So as not to “spill the beans”? Corny, but true. And I like to give my kids affectionate nicknames, so this will be his first (of MANY).

Henry, that morning, said that he thought we were having a “baby vampire”, and during the ultrasound, said that it was a “baby skeleton”. The kid’s obsessed with Halloween. But each time he said it, he also threw in something about his “baby brodder”, so I guess he knew.

 This is Bean. Doesn’t he have a handsome little face?
This is what we saw a lot when the ultrasound tech was trying to get a good look at his handsome face. He was showing off his muscles. As if we didn’t know he was a strong little man.
And this was the money shot. He was moving around so much that for a minute, I was really nervous that we weren’t going to get to see…anything revealing. The ultrasound tech, at one point, said “those thighs couldn’t be squeezed together tighter.” But then, all of the sudden, they weren’t, and T.’s day was made.

I have a lot more to talk about, but I wanted to introduce you to our Baby Bean first. More to come…