Happy St. Patty’s Day! I love those Irish blessings, and I read a couple on facebook today that I especially like…

May your heart be light and happy,
May your smile be big and wide,
And may your pockets always have a coin or two inside!

May your blessings outnumber
The shamrocks that grow,
And may trouble avoid you,
Wherever you go.

I love dressing the kids up for holidays, or at least, putting everyone in the designated color(s). The only green I had to wear, though, was a sweater that gets hot in freezing weather, let alone mild weather. So, I thought, hey! I have all of this beautiful jewelry, some of it has some green. So I decided to wear a white shirt with my secret garden necklace that has all of these lovely pinks, purples, and greens, with a gold necklace that makes me feel a like I’m wearing a little pot of gold.

(I know the picture’s a little cheesy, but I need you to get the full effect…)
I also love St. Patrick’s Day because it’s in March, which means, oh yeah…spring is coming! Okay, but the one thing I REALLY don’t like about spring is the mud. Especially this time around, when we had piles and mounds and MOUNTAINS of snow that all has to melt. And our deep freezer is on the “dog porch”. Do you see where I’m going with this? Yep, Essie and I got groceries, then came home and put them away…with some going in the deep freeze…

This is my sleeve (the mud looks so pretty next to my bracelet, doesn’t it?)

And this is my back…

Don’t you like how the paw print is extended on down? And that’s not even all of it, but it was hard enough to take a picture of that much by myself.
I’m just glad that we’ve already gone where we needed to go today. Oy.

In other news, out Baby Belle was eight months old on Wednesday!

She is dangerously close to crawling. T. thought that she needed to be crawling months ago, but I, on the other hand, know that when she starts crawling…oy, again. All of Henry’s legos, all of the little bits of random things that Ivy drops in random places….OY. I’m so not ready for her to crawl!

She has two teeth, now, though, and she has mastered the art of holding her own bottle (I know all about the “bonding” time of feeding your baby, but after 8 months, I’m ready for her to do some feeding of her own!).

Soon she’ll be 9 months old, then a year, and Henry’s going to preschool this fall, and Ivy’s 2 going on 15. OY.