I got the idea to list some random things from T.’s cousin’s amazing blog (sorry, I don’t know yet how to insert a link, but it’s http://itsadarngoodlife.blogspot.com) and also those “25 things about me” lists on facebook, which Us Weekly still does with celebrities (see #1). So, I thought it would be fun to make my own list…

Some of these things most of you will already know, but here goes nothing.

1. I’m totally addicted to celebrity magazines and the E! channel. T. likes to make fun of me that this is the only news I keep up with…if I didn’t see it on E! News, I probably didn’t see it (bad, I know).

2. My favorite ice cream is Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla. I got addicted to it while I was pregnant with Essie. Every night, I would have a bowl of that while I was taking a break from crocheting (I bet that’s fun to imagine, me and my huge belly sitting in the chair with my yarn and my ice cream).

3. One of my favorite things to do is go to concerts, but I haven’t been in a while. We did go to one last summer before Essie was born, and the mama bear in me wanted to sock all the people who were gawking at my “condition”.

4. My favorite color is pink. Occasionally, I adopt a new favorite color for a while, but I always go back to the girliest color of them all.

5. I’m SUPER ticklish, and T. likes to take advantage of that…A LOT.

6. All of the kids have taken after me, in that they are also super ticklish. Even Essie.

7. I often break out into song, but if it’s not one of the songs from a kids show that is stuck in my head, it’s one I have made up. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if T. thinks I’m funny or crazy when I do this.

8. I have a Master’s Degree.

9. I get pretty offended when the kids say that my food is “yucky”. Thankfully, T. sticks up for me and has never come out and said that anything I’ve made is bad. Once in a while, he just prefers something else over it, but still chokes it down.

10. As I mentioned in an earlier blog, I love to read cookbooks. I really love to find recipes in cookbooks that have 6 ingredients or less!

11. Relating to #10, I am very, very sad that my husband does not like desserts with fruit in them. I would love nothing more than to make a cherry chocolate cake or blueberry pie, but it would go to waste! Definitely for the next event, though.

12. I have this thing about nicknames, but they’re always longer than the real names. This goes for animals, kids, everybody. Our cat Mabel is “Maybelline”, our cat Annabelle is “Annabelly”, etc. All of my nieces are called by their first and middle names, always, and my nephews have a bunch of extra syllables tacked on to their first names. Ivy is IvyLu, Henry is Henry O., Essie is Essie Belle or Baby Belle, or Essie Belle Blue. I could go on and on.

13. I’m totally addicted to facebook and email since I got my iphone, because I can check them ALL THE TIME.

14. I’m also addicted to Carmex, especially the strawberry and cherry flavors. I am NOT a fan of the mint.

15. I had Lasik two years ago, and it was THE best money I ever spent. Before that, I’d been wearing glasses or contacts for at least 14 years.

16. Unfortunately, I’m a couch potato. I hate to exercise, in the traditional sense. I love walking, but don’t have a good place to do it these days.

17. My favorite shows are Project Runway, American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance (is there a trend forming here?), Grey’s Anatomy, Dexter, True Blood…

18. I have a total sweet tooth. When I’m pregnant, it’s BAD.

19. I used to be so good at sleeping in the car, but since I was pregnant with Henry, I’ve only been able to do it a handful of times. It wouldn’t be so bad if I could read in the car, but I get very carsick when I do.

20. My name is Greta, and I’m a shopaholic.`

That’s all I can think of for now….I have a feeling this won’t be the last list.