Welcome to #iPPP! Sarah at The Sunday Spill and I want to see your funny, your yummy, your heartfelt, your favorite phone photos of the week. All you need is a blog post containing at least one photo from any phone camera. Link up below!

I’ve had a crappy week (and a half). I mentioned that hubs was out of town….he still is. His Estimated Date of Return is still unknown, which makes every day one day closer to him being back, but I have no idea how many there are in between.

The kids? Well, their mom is short on patience, short on humor, short on sleep. Short in general.


The weather? It snowed today, all day, if that tells you anything. In Kansas. On April 23rd. I believe the sun came out yesterday, so there’s that.

There was one bright spot to the last nine days. I went to the first official read through of the Listen To Your Mother-Kansas City show, which I’ll be reading in on May 11th (and you should totally come to if you’re local). I got to meet all but one of the rest of the cast, and we all cried and laughed together, baring our souls for two hours and then enjoying each others’ company at dinner afterwards.

But, I didn’t take any pictures that afternoon.

And then I came home to a beagle that has arthritis and was laying under the bush on the front porch, unable to move his back legs and therefore, walk. So all of that awesome, “I just met a bunch of new friends and had a great time with them away from my kids where I had an adult beverage that I so desperately needed” feeling went straight out the window as I carried him upstairs and proceeded to not sleep, listening to his heavy panting all night. And the next morning, I took him to the vet, where he had puppy acupuncture and we scheduled three more rounds in the next week and a half.

So, now I have four kids and a disabled dog (who now refuses to lie down and relax, even at night) to take care of. On my own.

diver dan

My week has been craptastic. How YOU doin’?


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