This was the week that all the kids stayed home WAY too much.

Feb. 17

The kids had stayed with my parents so hubs and I could have a date night, and my little brother (who quickly became Erv’s best friend) was visiting.

uncle efan

It was a chilly day, but sunny, so I went to the track and ran. The weekends are the only time I ever get the chance to go outside and get some miles in.


Feb. 18

President’s Day, and the kids didn’t have school. The big three all had coughs and congestion that had been plaguing them all weekend, so I enforced a lots-of-fluids-and-movies-and-rest day. Essie head butted Henry, loosening a sort of loose tooth, and Henry pulled out said tooth (number 7 lost tooth, if you’re keeping track).


Feb. 19

Tuesday, everyone woke up with a hacking cough AGAIN. They stayed home from school, and I called the doctor. She called it an upper respiratory infection and I vowed that THEY WOULD BE GOING TO SCHOOL THE NEXT DAY.


Feb. 20

They went back to school on Wednesday, thank goodness. And then in the evening, the school superintendent called and said school was canceled on Thursday, due to the weatherman’s forecast of a huge snowstorm. I did my self-portraits all day with my big camera (this was an outtake).


Feb. 21

And finally, at about 7am, it started snowing. We got 6-7 inches, and then apparently, another one overnight. The girls and I did go out to play in the snow, for a while. The drifts were deep and Essie kept losing her boots, though. And then, because of “road conditions”, school was cancelled for Friday, again.

snow yard

snow girls

Erv didn’t get to play outside…he napped instead. This was his just-woke-up face.

erv sleepy

Feb. 22

And more snow was predicted but we never got it. We just got another day at home.

Henry had a birthday party to go to for a classmate, and his first friend sleepover. I got home from dropping him off (he didn’t want me to leave, so that part took an hour) to the littlest boy that hadn’t napped and seemed to be coming down with what the big three had had earlier in the week.

erv sick

Feb. 23

The girls got to go to a children’s play with my mom during Erv’s naptime, so I took the opportunity to run my third 5K of the year, another virtual race for Anywhere 5K. This one was a Team Challenge that some of the Mamavation Sistas grouped up for. Of course, the ground is still covered in snow and it’s, like, 20 degrees outside, so I ran it on my favorite treadmill. Beat my best time, ever! (Henry was the only one home besides his little brother and sleeping dad, and unfortunately, doesn’t take very good pictures)

team mamavation

There’s another snow storm forecasted for Sunday night. Lord, help me.

How was your week??