Through The Lens Thursday: Imperfect

Sometimes a child’s imagination manifests itself in ways that adults just don’t understand.

Why would you play in a sprinkler, but block the water with an umbrella?

Does that make any sense?

To me, it’s an imperfect execution of water play. To them, it’s a whole lotta fun.

Ah, summer. I heart you.

Through The […]

Through The Lens Thursday: Smooth

Smooth, silky coat.

Smooth new haircut.

Through The Lens Thursday is meant for self-improvement, so please….constructive criticism is welcome!

Through The Lens Thursday is a self-improvement photography project that Alison of Writing, Wishing and I are doing this year.

Don’t forget to join our Flickr group or share your own posts if you’d like […]

Through The Lens Thursday: Deep

So, it’s summer break, and it’s been raining (and kind of chilly) on and off all week. Last week was bible school, so there wasn’t much cabin fever happening. But this week, other than The Wizard of Oz, we didn’t have much to do.

Cue closet exploration and the trying on […]

Through The Lens Thursday: Sunset

I wasn’t sure the sun would shine at all today, but it came out after a big storm this morning (which kind of perfectly describes my day and if I was writing things these days, I’d probably try to explain it more).


Through The Lens Thursday is meant for self-improvement, so […]

Through the Lens Thursday: Home

We dropped them off two days ago, right after lunch. I scrambled to get them to their aunt and uncle’s on time, so they wouldn’t be waiting on my kids to go on to the camp grounds.

I had packed a whole cooler full of gluten free food for the younger […]

Through the Lens Thursday: Street

We live just off a rural highway. We have a false sense of secrecy, almost, with the canopy of leaves and trees.

We hear birds chirping and farm equipment rumbling as often as we hear the cars go by.

Though the sense of alone-ness is vague and all-encompassing, the sense of danger […]

Through The Lens Thursday: Empty

I drive the road to my kids’ school twice a day, past a lot of fields and this old barn. I’ve taken pictures of it several times with my phone. I don’t know why I love it so much….but I especially love it when there are birds sitting on top […]

Through The Lens Thursday: Dream

As long as I’ve been driving, I’ve had hand-me-down cars, used cars, always close to ten year old cars.

But. Today, with the help of a car-dealership-working father in law and because of the slow demise of the family-car-that-seats-all-six-and-all-of-our-stuff, we upgraded. Today, for the first time ever, we bought a car […]

Through the Lens Thursday: 3 Things

These three. These pictures sum up their relationships nicely, I think.

Through The Lens Thursday is meant for self-improvement, so please….constructive criticism is welcome!

Through The Lens Thursday is a self-improvement photography project that Alison of Writing, Wishing and I are doing this year.

Don’t forget to join our Flickr group or […]

Through The Lens Thursday: Water

The Easter bunny brought rain boots for my kids on Sunday, and three of them have worn them every day since. And then today, it actually rained.

These pictures were taken Sunday evening…it was cloudy and I had such a hard time getting the settings right. But, I think I did […]