About Greta

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So far Greta has created 1073 blog entries.

This Week’s Headlines: Thanksgiving Edition

Mom of Four Makes Thanksgiving Dinner for Eight
Eaters unimpressed, runs out of turkey, considers meal a failure.

Rain Steady Thanksgiving Day and Night
Outdoor Christmas light display put on hold.

Family of Six Venture Out For First Thanksgiving Since Celiac Diagnosis, on Black Friday
Mom of four not likely to repeat “venturing out” for […]

Through the Lens Thursday: Muted

This is how we usually spend Thanksgiving….I cook the meal, some of it gets eaten, then we decorate for Christmas. This year, it rained all day so the outdoor décor didn’t get done. We’ll see if it ever gets done at this point. You should be glad there’s no sound […]

Why I’m Thankful for Thirty-One #Giveaway

So, Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and I listed some things I’m thankful for yesterday. Today, I’m combining two more things that I’m super thankful for with a GIVEAWAY.

Thing 1: My Thirty-One business. I’ve been at it for almost four months now, and I’ve had a lot of really fun Facebook parties, […]

So Very Thankful for…..

1. Name a color you are thankful for.

I’m thankful for blue skies, blue eyes. I’m thankful for brown hair, brown dirt. White wine, white clouds. Yellow cheese, yellow sunshine.

2. Something your spouse does that you are thankful for.

This is a very specific example, and thankfully does not happen regularly, but […]


It’s November 23. I’ve published 22 blog posts this month and I didn’t so much feel like doing one today. So here’s a (very short) video!

Mwah. Happy Monday, y’all.

Random Thoughts on a Sunday

~~~Is it summer yet? Because I’m already sick of all the cold weather laundry and it’s barely even begun to be cold.

~~~These pictures of baby Essie with a Mohawk make me say things like “wook at the boodee widdle boonieboodieawwwwww”

~~~And then looking at 6 year old Essie right after makes […]

I’m Too Soft.

This cat. THIS. CAT.

He used to be an outside cat and then he started coming in in the winters and now he apparently thinks he needs to be inside all the time.

He’s old and stinky and old and crotchety and old and pees on EVERYTHING that’s left in the floor […]

Because Neon is Sneaky.

Hey guys, you wanna plays spies?

I’m in my {air quotes} “spy suit.”

I have another one that’s neon.

By |November 20th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Because Neon is Sneaky.

Through the Lens Thursday: Cut

The boys are cut from the same cloth. Henry is more outspoken and eager to talk to anyone, anywhere, and Ervin is shy and not very social or open, but they both love a lot of the same things and act the same way at home and pretty much […]

Things That Make The World Go ‘Round

Remember the bug Ervin had, after Ivy and before Henry? Yeah, it’s my turn. So I’m writing this from the couch, on my phone, totally bummed about missing a meeting tonight and phoning it in for #nablopomo.

These are a few of my favorite things:

Skinny peppermint mochas

Animal print leggings

The color pink

Chocolate […]