I know my blog here has been extra photo-heavy lately. I’m not sure if I should apologize for that or not, but anyway….I’ve been busy busy busy reorganizing this place we call home, and with the holidays and playing with my new camera, well….

And I think my kids are pretty cute. So there’s that.

But, for Monday Listicles this week, Squashed Mom chose a topic that is decidedly not photo-heavy, so I guess I’ll give you some extra words to read today. But not too many.

You’re welcome.

The topic is ten interesting jobs you’ve had or tasks you’ve performed at a job. She graciously allowed “jobs” to include student work and parenthood.

So, here they are, the top ten most interesting (unpaid) jobs I’ve had since I gave birth for the first time a little over six years ago and became THE MOM.

(There are a lot of very UNinteresting jobs I’ve held as well, like plumber, chauffeur, and professional butt-wiper, but those are boring, so I’ll leave them out. Again, you’re welcome)

10. Hairdresser

9. Backup Dancer

8. Executive Chef

7. Songwriter

6. Author

5. Tailor

4. Ringmaster

3. Party Planner

2. Stylist

1. Santa Claus

I can’t wait to see what other interesting jobs I get to dabble in as my kids grow up.

ALSO, GUESS WHAT?! I’m SO SO SO excited that Stasha has given me the honor this week of choosing the Monday Listicles topic. I AM OVER THE MOON.

I hope I don’t let her down.

So, your topic (should you choose to accept it) is: “I’ll Never…”: The Top Ten Things You Said You Would NEVER Do And Have Caught Yourself Doing.

As a mom, there are a lot of things I’ve thought I’d never do/let my kids do/say to my kids. And there are a lot of things I’ve ended up doing/allowing/saying.


(I may even have judged other parents when I saw them doing these things. Ahem.)

Parenthood is the Almighty Humbler.


Special thanks to Julie for helping me fine tune the topic!