So, this is the first summer that we’ve had four kids, one of which is actually on summer vacation. I didn’t plan a lot of activities, and a couple of the things I did plan on, didn’t happen.

Here’s what has gone down:

–In the beginning, it was total craziness, and I didn’t know how we were going to survive the summer. Ervin was not even two months old, and we were all still trying to figure out how to do this fourth-baby-newborn thing.

–The big two had Vacation Bible School at our church, and thankfully, it was in the evening. It made for some late bedtimes, but they had a lot of fun and slept well (when they did sleep).

–Henry went to a day camp with two of his cousins. THAT was exhausting, because it was almost an hour away, and even though my SIL drove him to the actual camp, I had to drop him off to her and pick him up. And it was early. But, he got to swim every day, ride horses, learn new songs, do crafts, and all kinds of other fun stuff.

–The big three spent almost a week with grandma and grandpa in Dodge City, and are going back again next week, because Ervin, my parents and I are going to Texas. I’m going to the national rally for my jewelry company, and didn’t want to leave the baby for several days. Now that he’s going with, I don’t have that anxiety anymore…I just have the what-the-nonsense-am-I-going-to-wear-that-won’t-accentuate-my-postpartum-body anxiety. I’m not sure which is worse, at this point.

That’s what we’ve done so far (with some birthday parties thrown in the mix). I didn’t get the kids signed up for gymnastics or swimming lessons like I wanted, mostly because I couldn’t figure out how to not overlap everything, or get them there.

Still to come? Besides the Dodge City/Texas trip, we have the girls’ birthday party to look forward to. And then….not a whole lot until school starts for Henry AND Ivy. Speaking of anxiety….