Today, you turn four. FOUR YEARS OLD! How crazy is that? You’ve known for months, though, that you were three fingers old but would turn four fingers old on your next birthday. You’re growing up fast, young lady.

You’re a miracle, you really are. If the timing had been off, just a little, you, my little princess, wouldn’t even exist. I can’t even think about that.

But you DO exist. Boy, howdy, do you exist. You are just like your mama. Sassypants McGee at home, singing in your sweet, off-key voice or making up stories and lands and adventures with your big brother, and timid Little Miss Wallflower anywhere else (except Grandma’s house, of course).

You’re so close to Henry, your hero, your big brother. But you’re also such a role model and hero to your little sister. And you’ve become so patient with her that it makes me really, really proud. You have your moments, yes, when you just want to be able to play with your Barbies or do what you’re doing WITHOUT being forced to share, but for the most part, you DO share. Without even being asked anymore.

I love you, Ivy. Happy birthday.