Project 365: Week 41

Oct. 5 I made my way home from LA on Sunday afternoon, and it seemed as though some creatures missed me….this one showed it the most, though. Oct. 6 We had beautiful weather….good for trying new swing tricks. Oct. 7 I had a dentist appointment, and for […]


This weekend, we had a birthday party for the girls. We could have gone all Barbie like last year, or something equally girly and character-driven. But, I learned from the Hungry Caterpillar party that bright colors are so easy to coordinate and decorate with, so I convinced them a while […]

Very Hungry Caterpillar Birthday Party

Thank goodness it’s Friday! For real, yo. It’s been a long week. I’ve been single-parenting it while T. works out of town since Sunday. It was also the first week back to school since Spring Break, and the first week that the kids have had to go to bed when […]