I haven’t had the time or energy to make anything crafty for the kids for Valentine’s Day (I didn’t even help with the first grader’s box, she and her big sister did the whole thing). They all asked for Louise valentines (I can’t make that up), so I spent five minutes editing pictures of her and then picked them up at the one hour photo, and everyone but Ervin filled out the backs themselves.



I didn’t make fancy treats for class, I bought treat bags yesterday at the store and filled them with an assortment of gluten free foods and candy for a “snack mix”, which seems to be my go-to these days.

It’s hard to not feel inadequate with all of the fancy, crafty things people make and share but I know I’m not the only one that didn’t do that stuff.

So I’m sharing because I’m not inadequate and you’re not inadequate, whether we made valentines or bought them from Target, decorated elaborate treats or are sending plain ol juice boxes to the party. We’re all doing the best we can, right? And our kids are all going to come home sugar-highed and happy.