As of this Friday we will officially be on summer break and summer break will go by entirely too fast. This is the last school year that I will have a child at home with me all day every day.

In the fall, even the baby will be in preschool three hours a day. That’s hardly enough time for me to even get groceries by myself but still, the end of an era.

I will never again have a baby or a toddler. In a couple very short months, I will have four school aged children.

I’m the mother of a son that I just purchased a book for on the assassination of Lincoln.

I’m the mother of a daughter who can sew by herself and is learning to play an instrument.

I’m the mother of a daughter who is learning how to read all by herself and can read most of a book now.

And I’m the mother of a four year old who is so excited to go to preschool and get to play with playdough and eat snacks and dress up in costumes and play games.

It’s not a matter of what will I do when they’re all gone. It’s a matter of how long will it take me to wrap my head around the fact that they are all gone.

end of an era