May 11

Mother’s Day. We went out for lunch, as is our “tradition” (going on three years now), and I made the kids take a picture with me. It wasn’t the most successful photo shoot we’ve ever had…

mother's day 2mother's day

mother's day 3

(This picture is an optical illusion…I am NOT pregnant. Thanks, Ivy, for the belly rub.)

May 12

We had a mega-thunderstorm early in the morning (like, 2 am). I woke up to thunder that I thought would never end.


May 13

This past weekend, we went to my niece’s choir performance, where they did a bunch of pop songs. One of the last songs they did was Katy Perry’s Firework, and they had LED lights attached to their fingers, doing choreography in the dark so it was a really cool firework-esque effect. Apparently, that was Erv’s favorite part, because he found some LED lights from grandma and put on his own “firework show”, in which he clapped and jumped. It’s so cute.


Oh, and our generations-old iris started blooming. I can’t always get veggies to grow, but I can always count on the ol’ iris.


May 14

The girls helped me weed the garden (and by “helped me weed” I mean “dug for worms while I weeded”).


May 15

This girl has been…challenging lately. I think she had some gluten somewhere, and hasn’t been sleeping all that well. So stuff like this happens on the short trip home from school:


May 16

Essie graduated from preschool! Class of 2027 (sniff).

essie prek 14

essie prek 19

The mark on my forehead is a battle wound/shark attack/use your imagination.

May 17

Henry got a new bed, and he was pretty excited about it. I spent the whole day cleaning their room to make a place for it, and I was not excited.

new bed