I’m pleased to have Katie Clemons here today, blogger at Making This Home  and owner of the Gadanke shop. I’ve talked about Katie’s Gadanke journals before, and had the pleasure of meeting her at Blissdom last year. Her journals and accessories are whimsical, interesting, beautiful….SPECIAL. 

Thank you, Katie, for sharing with us.

Personal stories matter.

Perhaps now is the time of year when you’re considering buying a journal for someone
on your gifting list. Maybe you’re thinking you’d like to start your own journaling habit.
Or you’ve resolved to rekindle a journal-keeping commitment that’s fallen by the

But journaling can be intimidating! What do I write? Do I have anything worth
writing? Who cares about my stories?

Self-doubt is a scary thing. It’s that gremlin that tells us our stories don’t matter and
neither do we. It can crush our creative confidence and cause us to abandon our

Don’t listen to it.

You have beautiful stories that matter. They matter to you, your family and
people you may never meet. Let go of your inhibitions. Allow yourself the confidence to
document the stories in your heart that no one else can tell.


Print this list and tuck it in the back of your journal. Read it whenever self-doubt
comes pounding on the door! Don’t let that little gremlin waltz in like he owns your


1. Just start.
Grab a pen. Put a thought down on paper. Let go of fear and get writing. Or, consider
using a journal with writing prompts to get your brain revved up. When I created the
first Gadanke journal, blank page paralyzation was the first thing I wanted to eliminate.
Prompts help you tackle the biggest hurdle in journaling: They get you started.

2. Find a prompt you love.
Never feel like you have to use a journal from front to back. (That’s why most Gadanke
journals have easy open-close bindings.) Flip through your journal with a pen beside
you. Start wherever your heart tells you to. Let a prompt speak to you and draw out your

3. Don’t stress.
No one can tell your stories like you can. Don’t let the fear of imperfection overcome
you. Who cares if you have to cross something out or switch pens halfway through.
Misspelled words? They’re fine, too! These things do not matter; story does. Letting go
is the most freeing thing you’ll ever do.

4. You don’t have to journal every day.
Some days, you’ll want to pour your thoughts onto paper. Other days, you won’t have
the time or passion.

5. You don’t have to document everything.
Begin with the story that inspires you right now. Some stories will go untold until they
naturally unfold on their own, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Here’s wishing you find some happy storycatching!
How will you overcome self-doubt and get your stories on paper?


As a special gift to you and to help with your storytelling, Katie is offering 10% off you entire order on Gadanke.com. The code is FUNK and it is good from Jan. 30 through 11pm on Feb. 5.