Welcome to #iPPP! Sarah at The Sunday Spill and I want to see your funny, your yummy, your heartfelt, your favorite phone photos of the week. All you need is a blog post containing at least one photo from any phone camera. Link up below!

On Saturday, I got the urge to take the girls out and have a fun day with them, doing whatever we wanted to do. The boys planned their own day out (which, tragically, was cut short by an under the weather seven year old).

After breakfast on Sunday, the girls took a bath and we set off, on our own.


Our first stop was the dollar store to get invitations for their impending bouncy-house birthday party. Next up was Michael’s to get cupcake supplies for the very same birthday party. They had an unfortunately limited supply, but the girls found Stompeez on clearance (AKA their early birthday present and the thing they ask for every.single.time they see the dang commercial).

There was no shortage, however, of giggles.


At that point, mama was getting hungry and cranky, so we stopped at the friendly neighborhood eating establishment (I couldn’t talk them into an actual restaurant, even though it was OUR DAY). We had ice cream before our real food and everything.


Next up? Walking over to the friendly neighborhood nail beautifying establishment for their first EVER pedicures. Both girls were too shy and in awe to say a single word during the entire process, but they both loved it and left with hot pink and flowery tootsies.


On our way out of town, there was a surprising lack of tired children in my minivan, and it was a surprisingly (for the end of June) gorgeous day, so we stopped at a nearby park for a while, before heading home to the boys with our fabulous toenails.


And now I’ve promised the oldest that he gets a do-over day, since his ended in puke on the living room floor.

<div align="center"><a href="http://www.gfunkified.com" title="GFunkified"><img src="http://mamamash.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/ippp-polaroid-125-x-125.jpg" alt="GFunkified" style="border:none;" /></a></div>