A little background:

As you know, Erv turned two at the end of March. He’s been using more and more words, and has started putting them together into short sentences (like this one from the other day).

Today, for the first time, I heard him playing with a tractor and having a pretend “conversation” with himself.

Also, he speaks in the highest, squeakiest voice possible most of the time.

And, I gave him peanut butter for the first time recently, which he loved.

So, here’s the conversation I overheard, right before supper (both sides from the boy):

Peadut butTER? (emphasis on an extra squeaky squeak)

Peadut butter.

No….peadut butter yucky.

Peadut butter sticky, too.


Tractor. Tu tu tu tu (a new sound effect he’s started using)

Two year olds are fun.

The end.
