It’s the first full week of a February, and I’m still firmly planted in January, if not 2012.

Feb. 3

Hey, let me open this week with a lovely picture of myself after running at the track. That’ll be….lovely. (Can we say “only took one picture?!”) Oh look, there’s my gigantic forehead again!

track running

Feb. 4

We make a lot of muffins here, for a very popular, freezable, quick gluten free breakfast. And the littlest princess really likes to help.


Feb. 5

I realized that now that it’s February, the baby (okay, the “baby”) is turning two next month. He is such a sweet, funny boy.


Feb. 6

The afternoon before, our furnace broke. The repairman came out in the morning to see what was wrong with it, then had to go get a part from Topeka (45 minutes away), and didn’t come back until the afternoon. So even though it wasn’t freezing (thank goodness), the space heaters were our friends (and also, warm cats).


Don’t these girls look so sweet and innocent? Yeah, it was a “let’s fight and bicker and fight some more until mom forces us out of the bathtub to separate us” kind of day. But at least the were clean and in pajamas before supper time.

pajama girls

Feb. 7

This is one of my new favorite pictures. The boys were in the tub after supper and I just wanted a picture of Erv peeking behind the curtain. He wouldn’t look at me, and squirted his brother with the dolphin instead. I love it.

erv squirt

Feb. 8

After the kids got home from school, I looked at their newsletters and saw that Ivy had to have her class valentines in on Monday. We hadn’t started yet. Henry has a couple of extra days, but he also has to decorate a box to put his valentines in. So, we started with a few today (and no, we don’t make our own, generally) before they got tired of doing them. Writing names is boring, yo. Ivy will draw and cut out hearts all day long if she wants to. It’s just when she has to do something that it’s no longer fun.


Feb. 9

We did a lot today. A lot of sloppy smooching at breakfast, a lot of squeaky voice Barbie playing all day long, finishing A LOT of (store bought) valentines, and a lot of evening snuggling. Oh, I also napped and went to the store for some fun Valentine’s Day surprises. It was a pretty good day.

valentine Collage

How was your week?