Welcome to #iPPP!ย Mama Mashย and I want to seeย your funny, your yummy, your heartfelt, your favorite phone photos of the week. All you need is a blog post containing at least one photo from any phone camera. Link up below!

I never had a sister. I’ve heard plenty of horror stories, and funny stories, and heartwarming stories (mostly horror stories, though). I was always a little afraid of that sister dynamic, but deep down, I always wondered what it would be like.

Now, as the mom of two girls almost exactly two years apart, I get to see a glimpse. And it’s kind of adorable.

Ivy put on her slippers and robe to look like me, so Essie put on her sweater and boots to look like Ivy. Of course.

I had a to-do list a mile long this past weekend, and it included things like packing lunches for the week and baking gluten free muffins and waffles for breakfasts before school. It also included baths, so while I was working in the kitchen, the girls spent forever playing in the bathtub. I could hear them, just down the hall, playing a game of pretend with their Barbies. They would laugh and talk to each other in their “character’s” voices, Ivy as the grandma, Essie as the “honey” (what they’ve taken to calling the baby or little kid in their games), and then they would fight for a while about who stole the other’s mermaid. I didn’t interfere, because it would just as quickly turn into civilized play again.

That’s what their relationship has become lately. Two bull-headed little girls who love each other madly and drive each other crazy.

Essie showing off the little Ariel book that Ivy made especially for her while she was gone (out of Essie’s princess kit).

I told her that Ivy made it for her, and she said “that’s awesome!”, clinging to it as her “special message”.

For now, I’ll listen and laugh at their silly fights, because I know that they wouldn’t be at that place if they weren’t inseparable. And that’s just fine with me.

<div align="center"><a href="http://www.gfunkified.com" title="GFunkified"><img src="http://mamamash.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/ippp-polaroid-125-x-125.jpg" alt="GFunkified" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Also linking up with Memories Captured and Essence of Now this week.
Essence of Now