Welcome back to #iPPP! Mama Mash and I want to see your funny, your yummy, your heartfelt, your favorite phone photos of the week. Link up below!

You all know that Ervin is my Boo Boo, my baby boy. As evidenced by my mother and little brother, he will always be my baby boy. But he’s already growing up way too fast!

So, of course, I want to take his picture. A Lot.

Much to my chagrin, however, my Boo Boo is almost 19 months old and does Not. Stop. Moving. Ever. Unless he’s asleep.

So, these are the pictures I end up with.

Unless I turn the forward facing camera on, he’s strapped in a highchair, or I let him loose and back way the heck up. Then magic happens. Or at least, a non-blurry picture.

What are your biggest photo taking challenges?

<div align="center"><a href="http://www.gfunkified.com" title="GFunkified"><img src="http://mamamash.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/ippp-polaroid-125-x-125.jpg" alt="GFunkified" style="border:none;" /></a></div>