Oh my gosh. This week has been craziness. My mother-in-law came last Monday and stayed until Saturday morning, and while she was here, we did a complete overhaul on, like, half the house. After she left, I was all kinds of motivated, so I kept going on bedrooms and closets. I’m just now sitting down.

March 11
My niece and nephew were baptized Sunday morning, and they’re Baptist, so they do the full-on-immersion-when-you’re-a-little-older thing. I thought these necklaces were appropriate for that.

March 12
Sunny Day + Sister’s Scarf + Backwards Romper = Essie on Monday.

March 13
Of course, while grandma was here, we had to make a Walmart run. The big three rode around the store with grandma buying fun stuff while Erv and I bought boring stuff, like food. But, it was Erv’s first time in the front of the cart (able to sit up for extending shopping time, at least).

March 14
We had our “celiac clinic” in the morning, and were told to bring Essie. I don’t know why. It was a total of about two and a half hours in the exam room. There was book reading,  exam-table-paper-coloring, and general nonsense. Also, we didn’t learn a whole lot.

March 15
While the big two were at school, the E’s had some quality grandma time.

March 16
Henry (Mr. Resourceful) made himself a leprechaun hat for St. Patty’s Day. It was paper, green pen, an orange sticker (so he didn’t have to draw a clover), and cardboard backing reinforcement.

March 17
St. Patrick’s Day! We didn’t really do anything special. I made green eggs and ham for breakfast, and that was about it. The kids did, however, get to play in their “new” (-ly moved and reorganized) toy room. Henry spent a good hour building towers with Lincoln Logs and alphabet blocks. And no, my kids still don’t wear clothes in the house.