10. Cleaning up your poop-covered daughter in the bathtub every day for two months.

9. Spending hours helping your kids write out their classmates’ Valentines.

8. Answering the same questions from your four-year-old over and over. And over.

7. Giving up the family’s weekly pizza run for the one child who can’t eat it.

6. Gently combing through your daughter’s hair while she screams instead of cutting it off like you really want to.

5. Brushing the dog hair off of your pillow every night…with only a few complaints.

4. Sleeping next to a buzz saw.

3. Watching the Bubble Guppies Christmas episode for the 783,299,131th time.

2. Wearing the skimpy panties that ride up all day just so a certain someone can get a surprise after work.

1. Letting your kids (and husband) climb on top of you at 7:00 am every Saturday morning after the baby has woken you up several times during the night, and snuggling with them all like it’s been months since the last time.