We’ve been through so much, and I appreciate you. Yes, I realize that I’m 31 years old, but you’re pretty close to that, too, and we’ve grown up together.

You know that my husband makes fun of me for sleeping with you every night, but just between us? I think he’s jealous that I snuggle with you more than him.

And the kids? They’re ALWAYS trying to steal you. But don’t worry. I will ALWAYS find you and bring you back.

I’ll admit that I like you best when you’re clean and warm from the dryer, but I accept you even when you’re not smelling so fresh. I think that you feel the same way about me, and for that, I’m grateful.

I’ll let you in on a little secret…I’m glad that my brother lost your pink counterpart in the movie theater so many years ago. Because really, pink is so cliche. I much prefer your soothing green to that bubblegum Pepto-ish hue. I’m sure that my parents were panicking  when they couldn’t find it, and I’m positive that I was inconsolable. I may have even whined about getting a green blanket to replace the girlish pink. But now I know that it was for the best.

Over the years, I’ve come to need you less and less. I hope you’re not too disappointed that you can’t go on trips with me anymore. I have to at least LOOK like an adult. Plus, now the kids all have their own blankets to take along, and we can only lug so much stuff around.

Green blanket, I don’t know what I would do without you, and I don’t want to find out.


Mama’s Losin’ It

One of this week’s prompts from Mama Kat’s Pretty Much World Famous Writer’s Workshop was to write a letter to an inanimate object.

I’m also linking up with the fabulous Erica for Lovelinks #31 today!
