I’m feeling very blessed today. Uncomfortable? Yep. Exhausted? Yes. In fact, anytime I start doing something (like looking at the pictures we took yesterday), I get incredibly drowsy (could be the Percoset). But also grateful, content, blessed? Absolutely.

Our new bundle, Ervin (named after his daddy’s maternal grandpa) arrived via c-section yesterday, March 24, at 8:20 am.



I can honestly say three things:
1. This was, by far, the easiest delivery of the four. It took less than an hour, I didn’t feel a thing (which I can’t say for Essie’s scheduled c-section….the spinal block that time didn’t work completely, so I felt them cutting me open and had to be put under general anesthesia in the middle of it), and I was totally present and comfortable for the whole thing.

I even got to hear the doctor talking about a youtube video of laughing babies while he did his thing. Funny to hear for a while, but um….yeah…..

2. I was shocked that little man is the smallest of the four (not by much, but still). Henry weighed 7lbs 15 oz at birth, Ivy was 7lbs 14oz, and Essie weighed 8lbs 6oz. Maybe it’s just because I’m getting old that Ervin made me so uncomfortable. 🙂

3. The two things I was most nervous about this time around (the spinal block not working again, and my ability to successfully breastfeed little man) have turned out to be not worth a worry. Up until now, Henry has been the only one that I had no real trouble BFing, and I was so determined this time around to be successful with Ervin. And I know it’s always easiest in the hospital, and can be a different story when you get home, but so far, it’s gone really, really well. And I’m super grateful for that.

And again, I know it can all change once you’re at home and on your own, but in his first 24 hours, little man has been very good. Almost no crying last night on his part (mine either, and I know that’s related!), just eating and sleeping.

Oh, but, when they actually got him out of me and starting weighing him, cleaning him, etc, he WAILED for five minutes straight. It was pretty hilarious. He sounded like a really ticked baby animal. Once they swaddled him up tight, though, that was the end of that.

Speaking of eating and sleeping, this tale is to be continued…